What dose Locy mean?
Locy is the pronunciation of teacher 老 (lou5) 師 (si1) in Cantonese. When I first started to teach non-native Cantonese children in London, I told them that I am the teacher Locy. But most of the kids thought Locy was my name and they started to call me Miss Locy or Teacher Locy.
So this is where my name comes from!

Locy Lee
We teach
music and piano keyboard
through an engaging and fun approach for children.
Sing & Speak Video Lesson
Sing & Speak Cantonese is a Song based Learning Programme. Join me for live and interactive online lessons or simply watch the videos to enjoy the program content. Have fun and sing along with the whole family!
Progressive Cantonese Music Classes for children 3-8 years, based on Kodály Philosophy. There is an optional addition of the Do Re Mi & Piano Workshops to these classes.
In person meet up in London once to twice a term.
Group of 8-10: LLMC
Group of 6: Piano Workshop

Private Music & Cantonese Group
Private LLMC or Sing & Speak Cantonese programme for children 3-8. You are welcome to form a group with other families and send me a message to get more information.